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The MWOTRC presents, promotes and performs classic radio drama, comedy and public affairs through speakers and dramatizations.


We meet monthly. For dates, locations and times. Click here for details and a map.

Join Us!

We would love to have you as a member! Click here for a membership application and all the details.

Radio Recall

Radio Recall is our journal, available via email (PDF) or regular mail. Read sample articles here.


You can also follow us on our Facebook page.

The Joy Boys!

The Joy Boys, a staple on Washington radio in the 1950's and 60's are now available on the MWOTRC website!

Derek Tague: RIP

We are saddened to learn of the passing of former MWOTRC member Derek Tague. Those who knew him knew of his devotion to Old Time Radio, his tireless work with the Friends of Old Time Radio convention as both organizer and panel host, and his talent as author of several OTR-related articles (in RADIO RECALL, among others). His friends will miss his penchant for puns and witty one liners. Derek was also a reader of books for the blind for many years. In honor of his memory, please consider making a donation to the charity of your choice, or the American Foundation for the Blind.

Upcoming Meetings

We have migrated our meeting from in-person meetings to remote meetings using Zoom. By using Zoom, our entire nation-wide membership has access to our meetings. For the upcoming months, our Zoom meetings will be:

Our April meeting will be a presentation by Dr. Joe Webb.

Our May meeting will be a presentation by John-William DeClaris on "A Rural Line in Education".

Our June meeting will be our Summer Luncheon - details to follow.

Our July meeting will be a presentation on Dennis Day by Matthew Nunes.

Our August meeting will be a presentation by Lauren Kraut about Phil Harris.

Our September meeting is open

Our October meeting will be a presentation by Matt Rovner about Arch Obler

Our November meeting will be Lawrence Kondrach with an 80th anniversary celebration of the end of World War II

Our December meeting will be our winter luncheon.

During the week prior to each meeting, club members will receive an email with the Zoom program information. If you are NOT receiving these emails, please check your email program to make sure that the messages are not being flagged as "Spam". If you do not see any spam messages, email "membership@mwotrc.com" so that we can verify that your email is recorded properly.

If you wish to enjoy previous MWOTRC meetings, be sure to subscribe to the MWOTRC YouTube channel.

You can also follow us on our Facebook page.

Stay healthy, and hopefully we'll see each other again soon!
Wendy Wilmer
President, MWOTRC.