The photos of the three rehearsals below were provided by club member Denis Roma - AKA The Lone Ranger!
Sally Stephens studies her lines
Beverly Rude, Edgar Farr Russell III and Bert Rude get ready
Marsha tries to train a new Sound man
Sally must be ready!
Michael Hayde reads while John Abbott follows along
Getting ready to rehearse Johnny Dollar
Sally reads as John Abbott studies the script
Sally emotes as Mrs. Hobb
Michael Hayde (Johnny Dollar) and Sally Stephens (Mrs. Hobb) read their lines
Mark Bush ponders the sound effects
Michael shows the Post photographer how it's done
Everything is ready for the show
Denis' good luck cake must have worked - we had a great evening!
John Abbott gets everyone up for the final Dress Rehearsal
Man vs. the Mike
Getting ready for the Dress Rehearsal
Lunch in the Green room
Sally and the man of the hour, Ed Walker
Wendy Wilmer, Mary Whipple and Barbara Bonnet relax in the green room
Denis and Bert as their alter egos The Lone Ranger and Tonto
Who is that masked man?