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I Cast, You Cast, We All Cast For Podcast

Now is the time to jump into the world of podcasting, because lots and lots of OTR shows (which now can be called files) are available from trusted sources. Podcasting is an organized way of receiving audio files for download. You don’t need a portable player; the “pod” is just a catch-phrase from the brand-name iPod device. Your computer can grab these downloads just fine.

Some podcasting sites mention something called RSS, Real Simple Syndication. This means that a service can let you know automatically when new files are available, with a line or two from the new file and the link for access. It’s very good, and more prevalent all the time. My library web-site sports the RSS logo, for goodness sake!

Another podcast possibility is Lucid Theater (www.lucidtheater.com) which offers the “first podcast of an original play” according to an article in the New York Times (9/1/05). This East Village troupe does weekly live performances of a play in radio-studio style; and now that play, “My Heart Split in Two” is available from the site. Obviously, when listening, the sound effects are all-the-more vivid. In this play a cabbage and an eggbeater are among what’s used to make your earphones start smoking.

--Mark Anderson