This story was published in Radio Recall, the journal of the Metropolitan Washington Old-Time Radio Club, published six times per year.
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by Jack French © 2013
(From Radio Recall, February 2013)
On this 80th Anniversary of the 1932
Lindbergh Kidnapping, the event is still "The Crime
of the Century" based upon its impact on the
national and international scene. It involved not
only the kidnapping but the murder of a small boy
and it generated more shock among the citizens of
North American and Europe than a presidential
assassination. And this crime, and subsequent trial,
certainty resulted in more news stories. radio
summaries. magazine articles over a five year period
than any other criminal event, before or since.
However despite the extensive coverage of the
kidnapping-murder of Charles Lindbergh's infant
son, the arrest of Bruno Hauptmann, and the
lengthy trial, very little of the radio coverage has
survived to present day
Two years after the kidnapping, in September
1934. Hauptmann was taken into custody and a
search of his residence and garage discovered
about $ 15,000 in the missing ransom money
(carefully hidden), and a tool set in which a chisel
was missing (which matched the one found the
night 01 the kidnapping). Despite all the
overwhelming evidence, he continued to protest
his innocence and the October 5, 1934 The March
of Time program summarized his interrogation for
CBS radio,citing all the damning evidence against
the kidnapper (The program is in general
circulation.) Whiie there are no credits on this
program. Hauptmann was probably voiced by
Dwight Weiss, who did most of the roles on "The
March of Time" which required a German accent.
After a grand jury indictment and extradition to
New Jersey, the trial began on January 2, 1935.
The trial had attracted over 100 reporters from
America and Europe, 25 radio and telegraph
operators, and even a newsreel camera were used
in the gallery. Walter Winchell and other radio
columnists were there and other show·biz
personalities flocked to courtroom as spectators
including Jack Benny.
Samuel Leibowitz, a prominent Brooklyn
defense attorney, was hired by WHN Radio to
broadcast regular trial updates on the air. They were
done on transcription disks for subsequent airings
and are apparently the only radio programs that
survived, of the thousands of radio shows and
bulletins that came out of the lengthy trial. Nearly
five hours total of Leibowitz 's trial observations
remain with us, but unfortunately they are all in the
custody of the Museum of Television and Radio in
Manhattan. That means that anyone can go there in
person and listen to them, but no one can dub any
copies of them.
Mutual Radio had a tradition in those years to
air a year-end summary each December of what
they termed The Top News Stories ot the Year in
1935 the program was narrated by announcer
Seymour Birkson. Although the Hauptmann trial
was clearly the top story that year Birkson bumped
it down to number 2, right behind the Italian war in
Ethiopia, Birkson summarizes the trial in a half
dozen sentences. Copies of this program are In
general circulation.