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Contents of disc #JB110:

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WMAL show: This CD contains nearly 80 minutes from WMAL radio, July 23 1990, when the Joy Boys and Johnny Holliday filled in on the Harden and Weaver morning show. It has nearly all of the 8:00 to 10:00 AM hours except for newscasts.

1. Sports / weather
2. Theme / pollen count / haircut MP3 file, 61K
3. Spots, traffic
4. Anthony promo / Garfunkel's / calls
5. Calls / traffic
6. Cake and pizza / spots
7. Weather / Market Inn MP3 file, 118K
8. Spots / pet store
9. Sports / weather
10. Theme / fashion consultant
11. Task chairs / fashion
12. Nutrasystem spot / calls (Art Brown)
13. Spots
14. Security spot / calling "Balmer"
15. Call to hospital / signoff

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