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Contents of disc #JB143:

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The first tracks on this CD are a "telescoped" Joy Boys show
(the music and commercials were cut out) from WWDC,
February 1974. (Contributed by Larry Bly.)

1. Johnny Holliday does Ed Sullivan / News / Theme
2. Talk / secretarial school ad MP3 file, 437K
3. S'mores / news woman / Arthur Godfrey
4. As The Worm Turns (Intern and nurse consult a catalog)
5. Talk / PSA / Paul Williams tune / V-8
6. As The Worm Turns, part two

This is Ed Walker's "Play It Again, Ed" show from WMAL,
Sunday May 18, 1980. (Contributed by Mark Tintle.)

7. Happy Birthday to composer Meredith Wilson
8. Music
9. Talk / spots
10. More about Meredith Wilson
11. Music / spots
12. Barbershop medley
13. Spots / fill music
14. Show close
15. News (Mount St. Helens erupts)

On the rest of the CD, 18-year-old Joy Boys fan Mark Tintle
does telephone interviews with his idols, Ed Walker and
Willard Scott. He received lots of encouragement as many
other budding radio folks did. (from about 1973-74)

16. Ed's background
17. Willard and Ed meet at American U. in 1951
18. The audition at WRC
19. Willard goes into the Navy; the "Two At One" show
20. Willard goes on TV
21. Mark, the fan

22. Red and Blue networks; Willard's early work
23. Future careers in broadcasting
24. Willard as Bozo
25. Mark gets an update from Willard

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