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Contents of disc #JB239:

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Willard was on vacation this week, so these are some reruns of the "best of" previous shows.

June 29, 1960:
1. Zoo tour / Theme
2. Music / Safeway spot
3. Charlie Nemo
4. Music / Hamms spot
5. Artie Schwartz, agent who gets people fired
6. Music / Rambler spot
7. The Answer Man
8. Music
9. Talk / Theme

June 30, 1960:
10. Rex Squad, safety expert (presents award) / Theme
11. Music
12. Sodbuster (Chester tends bar)
13. Hamms spot / Music
14. Memos from Management
15. Safeway spot / Music
16. Tyrone Bow, tie collector
17. Willard's wife calls in / Theme

July 11, 1960:
18. Willard returns from vacation / Theme
19. Music / Safeway spot
20. Arthur Codfish (Penrod's Peanut Butter)
21. Music
22. Bayou Restaurant spot
23. Pre-Democratic Convention Summary
24. Music / spot
25. Convention report continues
26. Theme

(The Democratic National Convention was held this week in 1960.)

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