How to Contact Us

Postal address:

926 South Fairfax Street
Alexandria, VA 22314

Via email:

Wendy Wilmer, President
Frank Morgan, Vice President
Joanie Ferrell Langdon, Treasurer
Joanie Ferrell Langdon, Membership Chairperson
Sally Stephens, Radio Recall Editor
Frank Morgan, Club Recorder
John Abbott, Webmaster

About Us

Presentations on Sherlock Holmes, Eddie Cantor and Edward R. Murrow (plus recollections by Marvin Kalb, the last newsman hired by Murrow.) Re-enactments of memorable radio comedies and dramas. Participation in a quiz show designed by one of our own members. These are some of the activities the Metropolitan Washington Old Time Radio Club members and guests have enjoyed at our meetings.

We were created in 1984. Monthly meetings and/or luncheons have been held ever since then, usually in Northern Virginia. The purpose of our hobby group has always been to collect, preserve, promote, and share/exchange ideas and materials from the Golden Age of Broadcasting.

At present, we have a membership of approximately 125 - both local and national. All enjoy full privileges, including standing invitations to all Club activities: subscriptions to the Club's publication Radio Recall, the right to vote for officers, the annual Cawelti Award for outstanding service, and all other matters affecting the structure and operations of the Club as set forth in its By-Laws (available upon request).

Over the years, the Club and its members, plus invited guests, have made presentations on OTR topics and performed re-enactments of classic radio programs. This very active program is a highlight of each month's meeting, and additional representative samples of presenters and topics covered can be gleaned by reviewing the contents of our Meetings and Video Links.

As for our OTR recreations, these have included visits to numerous senior citizens' groups and retirement homes. In more recent years, the Club has expanded its performance calendar to include regular, even yearly, appearances for the Library of Congress at both its Main Building in Washington, D.C. and its Audio Visual Center in Culpepper, VA; at the Mid-Atlantic Nostalgia Convention in Hunt Valley, MD; and at the Lisner Auditorium in a very special performance for WAMU-FM and its Big Broadcast program which honored 25 years of hosting duties by (the late) Radio Hall of Fame member Ed Walker.