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Stan Karas - Night Owl

It all began upon command. WRC's "Night Owl," Stan Karas, began his radio career while serving with the Air Force Special Services in Sidi Slimane, North Africa when he was told to establish a radio station. Consequently he began broadcasting on "The Voice of the Desert" to an audience of 800,400 . . . 400 G.I.'s and 800,000 Arabs. Perhaps not so large, but certainly more rewarding is the all-night audience Stan Karas has developed from his "Night Owl" program from midnight 'til 5:30, Tuesday through Sunday over WRC Radio.

"The Night Owl" moved from the assumption that his all-night listeners are not necessarily tuned in to be "lullabyed" back to sleep; therefore, Stan Karas puts sunlight into the moonlight hours with wide-awake music consisting of big bands and ballads, the quality music that has become a tradition with WRC radio.

Ever inquisitive as to just who is listening and with no post midnight ratings to give the answers, Stan Karas occasionally conducts his own audience surveys. One morning at 4:10 AM, he suggested that, since Al Ross, "Your Timekeeper," was celebrating his birthday that day, well-wishers might call in with greetings. The response was overwhelming. Stan managed to write down over 100 calls but finally had to rely on the jammed switchboard to handle the overflow. The calls did not desist until long after Stan had left the air.

Another morning he greeted the Washington taxi drivers at the time they were reporting for duty. Immediately there followed calls from men reporting to work all over the city wanting to be included in the greeting to early morning risers.

The warm, personable companionship of Stan Karas, "The Night Owl," is extra assurance that the nighttime audience is a receptive audience.

To read more about the Joy Boys, Walker and Scott, or the other announcers who shared WRC's airwaves in the early 1960s, click on any of the links below.)

WRC Personalities
Al Ross Bob Kelly Mac McGarry Betty Groebli
Night Watch (Walker and Scott) Stan Karas back to booklet

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